7 Secrets to Cut Cravings

7 Secrets to Cut Cravings

What is it about “the forbidden” that is so enticing? Even if you weren’t especially interested in it before, it becomes suddenly so desirable when you feel like it’s off limits. Making cuts and adjustments to your daily diet comes saddled with plenty of challenges, one of which is cravings. Before you do anything drastic, we have a few simple suggestions that can derail the craving-train:

Clean House— of temptations, that is.

Making the deliberate and conscious decision to make a change is half the battle. But after the decision is made, don’t sabotage your own efforts by leaving a bag of Cheetos stashed in the back of the pantry. They will call out to you and you will have to fight the battle again. Toss the not-so-healthy stuff and replace it with yummier, healthier things. You can’t be tempted by things that aren’t accessible.

Plan Ahead.

Even if you do clean your cabinets, we’re all aware that a grocery store is just a hop, skip and a jump away. Keep ‘approved’ snacks on-hand so before you can consider reaching for the car keys, you can reach for some fresh veggies and salsa instead. Or kale chips. Or pumpkin seeds. Or pickles. (You get the picture…There are a lot of good options.)

Cran It Up.

We’re talking cran-water. The funny thing is when you’re craving something to eat, studies have shown it’s merely a mirage— thirst misunderstood as hunger. The cranberry juice can also even out your blood sugar levels so you don’t feel like you have to “fuel up” (with food) as much.

Get Busy.

Sitting still with idle hands will make you more prone to mindless snacking. Try and find something to occupy your hands— and your mind— with! Take up knitting, do the dishes, try that cute DIY project you saw on Pinterest, call for a gab-fest with a chatty friend. So many options!

Remember Your Goal.

The moment you start to stray from the path, reintroduce yourself to your goal. Whether it’s overcoming a health issue, fitting into those new pants, or having more energy for picnics and parties, remind yourself why you made the choice to change your lifestyle. It will be so worth it— push through and keep your eyes on the prize!

Get Up and Away.

When temptation comes a’knocking, get up and get moving. Go for a walk around the block, or just around the yard! Occupying your mind can create a mental distance, but putting physical distance from the possible source of your temptation (Mr. Fridge or Ms. Cabinet) can be super effective, too, for obvious reasons. If snacks aren’t easily accessible you won’t eat them. Simple.

Tap into the Journal.

Keeping a food journal can be advantageous for lots of reasons! They can help you get to the bottom of issues and realize overlooked allergies because patterns will start to show (Every time I eat *this*, I get an upset tummy. Hmm…). They are also a source of accountability and self-reflection. It’s a safe place to reflect your feelings,  your struggles and accomplishments. So when you feel your resolve start to wane, open the pages and WRITE it out! Get it all out of your system so you can go on about your day without doing something you’ll feel guilty for later.

Fat Flush Water – Does it Work?

Fat Flush Water – Does it Work?

You’ve seen Fat Flush Water all over the web, but does it really get results?

Over 25 years ago the Fat Flush concept was introduced by creator Ann Louise Gittleman in her first book, Beyond Pritikin, with the Two-Week Fat Flush. The Fat Flush Plan and the 4 other Fat Flush books that’ve followed were featured as New York Times bestsellers.

While the Fat Flush diet plans have evolved over the years to incorporate the latest in slimming research, the main principle of detoxifying the liver to accelerate weight loss remained.

A liver clogged with poisons, toxins and excess fats cannot perform its fat-burning duties. Freeing up the liver to do its job may be the single most important step you can take to reach your weight loss goals.

In the fat-burning process, drinking plenty of water is essential to keep you system flushed and allow your liver and lymphatic system to function properly — we always recommend drinking half your body weight (pounds) in ounces of water daily.

But, what about this “Fat Flush Water” — will it actually flush the fat?

Over the years, we’ve learned that with popularity comes imitation, so we weren’t surprised to see a guest on Dr. Oz promoting a “new” Fat Flush Water. Since then, you’ve probably seen it on Pinterest or Twitter or maybe even a blog or two, and the pictures do look delicious and refreshing. It is a lovely way to add a nice citrusy flavor to your water, but does this “Fat Flush Water” live up to all the hype? Does it really flush fat?

First, let’s look at the ingredients — water with a sliced grapefruit, a sliced tangerine, ½ a cucumber and a few peppermint leaves floating in it.

These are healthy foods with qualities that can be helpful during weight loss — peppermint helps with digestion, grapefruit contains an antioxidant flavonoid that can increase insulin sensitivity, tangerines are a rich source of vitamin C which stimulates the liver’s premier antioxidant (glutathione), and cucumbers have diuretic properties.

However, infusing your water is giving you almost none of the benefits of simply eating these foods, and quite honestly, isn’t flushing the fat.

FF WaterA Fat Flush Water that really makes cellulite vanish!

The good news is we do have a Fat Flush Water that really does flush out bloat and stubborn fat deposits. It works so well that we’ve heard from Fat Flushers who have lost as much as 6 to 7 lbs of backlogged water weight in the first day!

Our signature Fat Flush Cran-Water contains water mixed with pure unsweetened cranberry juice — how simple is that? You can mix it up in the morning and sip on it throughout the day — we recommend 64-ounces (eight 8-ounce glasses) daily.

Cranberry juice is a natural diuretic and packed with flavonoids, enzymes and organic acids such as malic acid, citric acid, and quinic acid which have an emulsifying effect on stubborn fat deposits in the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system — the body’s “garbage collector” — transports all kinds of waste products not processed by the liver. With the help of the organic acid components, cranberry juice digests stagnated lymphatic wastes. This explains why so many Fat Flushers report that their cellulite disappears!

Even if you’re not following a specific diet or trying to lost weight, you can sip this tart and refreshing beverage daily to help flush out water weight, balance blood sugar, improve cellulite and keep your liver and lymph in optimum cleansing mode.

Here’s the Original Fat Flush Cran-Water recipe…

4.9 from 15 reviews
Original Fat Flush Water
Prep time
Total time
Our signature Fat Flush Cran-Water contains water mixed with pure unsweetened cranberry juice. You can mix it up in the morning and sip on it throughout the day -- we recommend 64-ounces (eight 8-ounce glasses) daily. Cranberry juice is a natural diuretic and packed with flavonoids, enzymes and organic acids such as malic acid, citric acid, and quinic acid which have an emulsifying effect on stubborn fat deposits in the lymphatic system. With the help of the organic acid components, cranberry juice digests stagnated lymphatic wastes. Even if you're not following a specific diet or trying to lost weight, you can sip this tart and refreshing beverage daily to help flush out water weight, balance blood sugar, improve cellulite and keep you liver and lymph in optimum cleansing mode.
Serves: 8 ounce glass
  • 1 ounce 100% pure unsweetened cranberry juice*
  • 7 ounces water
  1. Mix water and unsweetened cranberry juice together in a large glass.
  2. To save time during the day, mix a full batch (64 ounces) in the morning -- add 1 cup (8 oz) cranberry juice to a half-gallon container and fill the rest with water.
*Look for brands like Knudsen, Trader Joe's, Mountain Sun, or Simple Truth available at your supermarket or health food store.

Enjoy — Let’s drink to flushing fat and busting bloat with our signature cranberry Fat Flush Water!

For 30 FREE Fat Flush Recipes, download our Taste of Fat Flush Cookbook

7 Summer Party Tips to Stay on Track

7 Summer Party Tips to Stay on Track

You’ve worked so hard to stay on track but as we plunge into BBQ season, new challenges come with the territory. Try these tips to keep your weight loss success rolling:

1. Be prepared. Bring your favorite Fat Flush-friendly dish to share so you know there will be something there you can snack on. Some fresh veggies coupled with some yummy Fat Flush Salsa are a classic that everyone loves!

2. Hit the veggies first. Loading your plate with a fresh salad or grilled veggies will leave less room for unhealthy options that might pop up on down the table.

3. Mix up a big batch of cran-water for your ice chest. This will keep you away from sodas and alcoholic beverages loaded with sugar.

4. Stay hydrated. Besides the obvious “it’s good for you” reason, and keeping you away from sugar, continuous cran-water sippin’ will keep your tummy fuller so you won’t accidentally overeat.

5. Be a salad-snob. Just because it’s called a “salad” does NOT mean you need a heaping helping! Potato salad, macaroni salad—and the like— can be dangerously rich in dressing and add-in’s. Try our FF-friendly Potato Salad recipe!

6. Make some moves. Away from the food, that is. Make your healthy selections then find a spot to sit and nibble that is away from the food. This will help you stick to what’s on your plate without grazing on some possible naughty options.

7. If BBQ chicken is on the menu, have at it! But avoid extra sugars and sodium by peeling off the sauce-soaked skin before you chow down.


The Best Way to Store Your Homemade Broths

The Best Way to Store Your Homemade Broths

Homemade broths and stocks are something you can make a big batch of and use for LOTS of different recipes.

Don’t have the time to make a fresh broth every time you need it? Try making a big batch and freezing in ice cube trays! You can even measure each cube so you know exactly how much is in each— handy later when following a recipe.

After the broth is frozen, you can transfer the cubes to freezer bags for easier storage.

Try our homemade broth recipes:
Chicken Broth
Beef Broth
Vegetable Broth

A Beginner’s Guide to Freezing Food (And Saving Money!)

A Beginner’s Guide to Freezing Food (And Saving Money!)

Preparing double —or more— of a recipe and freezing the extra is an easy way to save money, time, and still have a delicious Fat Flush-friendly meal ready whenever you need it!

Here are some tips to help you freeze foods properly from start to finish:

1. Select foods that are freeze-friendly.

This tip takes some trial and error, but try to choose hearty recipes to freeze. All-inclusive meals such as soups, chili, casseroles work well. You can also cook and freeze meats like chicken and beef.

2. Cool the food before freezing.

This may sound redundant, but bare with me. Putting foods in the freezer that are still warm can alter the temperature of the freezer and impact other food you have stored there. (It may even alter the texture and flavor.) The best thing to do is place the food in a shallow container in the fridge until it’s thoroughly cooled.

For soups and stews with some fat content, skim the fat from the top between cooling and freezing. Besides cutting the ‘fat’ content— literally— this detail lengthens the time the dish can spend in the freezer as fat spoils over time, even in the freezer!

3. Efficient storage is key.

Freezer bags work perfectly as long as you remove the air from the bags before sealing. The bags allow the food to lay flat, saving you space but also exposing it to the cold air for a thorough, even freeze. Storing the food in single portions will also help keep the temperature down—the cold air can circulate freely— but it will also save you time later when you can simply thaw as many portions as you need (single helpings, 2, 3, etc).

4. Freeze it fast!

Don’t let the dish sit around the fridge for a few days before you freeze it. The fresher it is when it’s frozen, the better the quality when it’s thawed. Most dishes will keep in the freezer for 2-3 months.

How to Make the Perfect Smoothie

How to Make the Perfect Smoothie

Smoothies are a convenient, delicious, one-stop-shop for a daily helping of essential vitamins and nutrients. (Not to mention all the time and money you save!) But it’s kinda like making a sandwich— there’s a strategy to making the perfect smoothie! Here are some of our most important tips:

1. Order counts!

First measure your water, then add the ice, protein powder and fruit. Blend those until smooth, then add any extras— ie mint, cinnamon, chia seeds, etc. This is to make sure the base ingredients are full incorporated and will give you a smoother texture.

2. Use the hatch!

Most blenders come with a nifty little hatch built into the lid— this is the removable piece in the center of the lid. It’s designed so you can add things while the blender is on, without making a mess. If you’re adding flaxseed oil, this is the spot! After the base ingredients and extras are pretty well incorporated, lift the hatch and stream the oil into the smoothie while the blender is still running. This will fully incorporate the oil into the smoothie which makes it nearly undetectable, and will also give your smoothie a thicker, more rich texture.

3. Fruit: Fresh or Frozen?

This is definitely your call! Most Fat Flush veterans like to use frozen fruit because you can buy it in bulk and have it on-hand and ready no matter the season. Frozen fruit can also make ice unnecessary because the fruit pieces are like little ice cubes themselves.

4. Save some for later!

Some people like to use smoothies as a time-saver— and we agree. They’re mighty convenient! If you know you won’t have a chance to cook later, or can’t make another smoothie, it is possible to make 2 smoothies in a batch, freezing one for later. Depending on the efficiency of your freezer, it can come out later as more of an ice cream treat than a protein smoothie! Jackpot! If it’s too frozen when you take it out, just let it sit at room temperature for a few minutes until it’s thawed to just the right texture. (You may want to stir it again just to be sure it’s all mixed up.)

These tips are based purely on our experiences and feedback from other Fat Flush smoothie-makers. If something doesn’t work for you, feel free to experiment and find the way to make your perfect smoothie!

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