Hey there, fellow —and future— fat flushers! My name is Nikole and I’m going to be taking you along on my fat flushing adventure! I hope that my journals help you to become as passionate as I am about this life changing plan. And for those wondering, it doesn’t just help you lose weight. Yes, that’s an amazing benefit! But your overall health is the important thing here! There is a Fat Flush Plan for everyone! Let me start by introducing myself.
I’m married to the love of my life, have 3 pretty princesses who keep me on my tippy-toes and 2 spoiled pups. I’m a daughter, sister, and friend. I volunteer at my daughters’ school and work as a hair stylist. I love making women feel beautiful! I love the outdoors, working hard and I hope to inspire others with my story. What you see is what you get! I’m an everyday person, running kids around, trying to keep a clean house and juggling a million things at once! So far on my journey, I have lost over 50 lbs and I am the healthiest I have ever been with the Fat Flush way of life. So yes, YOU CAN do it too! Being busy is an excuse I used for many years. As Thomas Jefferson said, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” Take that first step to becoming the new and improved you, and feel the best you have ever felt!
The most common questions I get are, “How did you do it?”, “What do you eat?”, “How do you do it being a wife and a mom?” and “What do you do when you go out of town or out to eat?” These are questions that I am going to be answering as I take you through my day to day life! So, let’s go! (And remember, anything I’ve underlined is a link; click it for more info!)
Day 2 ♥ Shakedown Food Journal
So last night I slept really good. I got 8 hours of quality sleep. My body was already feeling a lot better from the previous day’s changes. My girls were wanting smoothies so I had them pick two out of the Shakedown Guide to try. They chose “Life’s a Peach” and “Fireside Cherry Cinnamon”, they thought the names sounded cool! See? It’s even appealing to the kiddos! 😉 And honestly, I don’t know if I have ever met a kid who didn’t love a smoothie! Good way to get your kids some much needed vitamins and nutrients. Plus, they think it’s a treat! (Check out the pics we took of our smoothies below!)
Today I also noticed I had a bit more energy and decided to get some stuff done I had been putting off. Amazing how much more you do when your body and mind is feeling good! I just love this feeling! It was kind of a chilly day here and chicken soup sounded so good. But I wanted to find a shakedown approved way to have it! I remembered having soup from this little Thai restaurant and just mimicked their recipe with shakedown approved veggies and spices! I came up with using bean sprouts as noodles and I have to admit, it was pretty tasty!
Well, my hubby got us a movie to watch tonight so I don’t think I will be hitting my 10 o’clock curfew!
“Success is a daily performance.”-unknown. Keep up the good work everyone! The results WILL show! Consistency is the key!
This purifies your system in one green sweep. The greens, Flora-Key and cran-water work together to clear the path for detoxification.
(optional for 1st time shakedowners)
Q. Is there a vegetarian option for this recipe?
A. Absolutely! Simply omit the meat and add extra beans.
Q. Can tofu be used instead of more beans?
A. Tofu or tempeh is approved, but only for once or twice a week.
Q. Is it ok to substitute the other meats for a fish of some sort?
A. The lean meats in this recipe are important to give you a solid source of protein while you’re on the diet. If you’re leaving them out, we’d recommend adding a few extra beans. Fish can be substituted, but we can’t be sure of the results you will see, as this isn’t part of the protocol.
Q. Are the beans necessary to be successful on the Fat Flush Soup Diet? They often upset my stomach or make me feel bloated.
A. You’ll be fine if you leave out the beans, just be sure you have meat in the soup to ensure adequate protein intake.
Q. I have a tomato allergy. What can I substitute for the juice and whole tomatoes?
A. Try using broth instead of tomato juice. (Beef Broth, Chicken Broth, or Vegetable Broth are all acceptable.) You may also want to add a bit more of the other vegetables in the recipe to fill in the nutritional void of the missing tomatoes.
Q. Can I use kale instead of spinach in the soup?
A. Sure—kale is an awesome Fat Flush food! A natural detoxifier, energizer, cholesterol zapper, and blood-sugar stabilizer.
Q. How many times a day do you eat the soup?
A. Eat the soup two times a day, and a third meal that is protein-rich. Most people have a protein smoothie in the morning, then the soup for lunch and dinner. (But the arrangement is up to you!)
Q. Can you drink diet soda and coffee with creamer or skim milk while on this flush?
A. Sodas—of any sort— aren’t approved for the Fat Flush programs. Their sugar and artificial ingredient content is extremely high. However, 1 cup of coffee is approved.
Q. What should I be drinking with this plan?
A. Throughout the day, sip hot lemon water, plain water or Cran-Water. You should be consuming at least 64 oz. of liquid.
Q. What is the serving size?
A. 2 to 3 cups of soup.
Q. Is there a limit of how long a week you should eat the soup or how long in general it should be done?
A. 2 weeks is a great jump start for weight loss, but you can follow the Soup Diet for up to 3 weeks at a time.
Q. Can this soup be frozen?
A. It can absolutely be frozen! However, for best flavor we recommend keeping it frozen for no longer than a month.
Q. Is there something in the soup that can help with constipation?
A. The beans included in the recipe will help—they are an excellent source of fiber. Also be sure to be drinking plenty of Cran-Water or plain water.
Q. Can I workout while on the Fat Flush Soup Diet?
A. Workouts are ok while on this plan, but try not to push too hard. (Try workouts like yoga, rebounding, walking, stretching…) Your calorie intake will be too low for really strenuous exercising.
Q. Can this recipe be used in conjunction with the Smoothie Shakedown or Fat Flush Phase 1?
A. Absolutely! The Fat Flush Soup recipe is Phase 1 and Shakedown-friendly. The only change would be to omit the beans as they aren’t approved items for these other plans.
Q. Are there supplements I should be taking to help while I’m on the Soup Diet?
A. There are supplements that can give your weight loss a boost! The Fat Flush products (available exclusively from Uni Key Health Systems) were formulated specifically to help with all Fat Flush Plans. They even have bundles available to make “supplement shopping” easy!
Q. Once I’ve completed 2 weeks on the Soup Diet, what is the next step if I want to continue losing?
A. We recommend moving on to Phase 2 of the classic Fat Flush Plan.
So, you’ve been losing weight, but now you’ve hit a plateau.
Your resolve is beginning to wane. You’re having trouble sticking to your diet. You are really frustrated that the scale is not moving southward as quickly and effortlessly as it once did.
You are on the lookout for an “emergency” way to lose your tummy in a hurry for upcoming holiday celebrations. And you need almost overnight results.
Just in time for that special event, the 3-Day Fat Flush created by Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS offers an accelerated double-whammy!
This fast and simple plan combines two successful weight loss strategies for a special liquid Flush with really fast results!
With the Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail, you’ll stay full and satisfied while your metabolism heats up with lots of thermogenic spices, green veggies, and tomatoes.
You’ll start to see a shrinking waist without sacrificing your health—like so many crash diets do—because you’ll also be consuming plenty of fiber, omega-3-rich oil, fruits, and hypoallergenic vegan protein.
At the core of the plan is the special “cocktail with a kick” that you will be drinking three times per day: morning, noon, and night. The Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail, due to its high water content, helps you stay filled up and fuller longer while keeping calories low.
For lunch and dinner, delicious protein-rich smoothies with complimentary weight-regulating ingredients will help give your digestive system a rest while delivering long term appetite satisfaction and hydration.
Here’s what you need to get started:
Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail
– Makes 1 serving
Ingredients 1 large ripe tomato, or 8 ounces V8 or Knudsen’s Very Veggie Juice
½ cup fresh squeezed lime or lemon juice
½ cup filtered water (unless using juice)
Handful of fresh parsley
Handful of fresh cilantro
1 green onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/8 teaspoon cayenne (or as desired)
2 teaspoons olive oil
½ teaspoon Seaweed Gomasio
½ teaspoon Flora-Key (probiotic powder)
1 tablespoon chia seeds
6 ice cubes Combine all ingredients in a blender until the desired consistency is reached.
Follow this daily menu for two to five days to melt off pounds in a hurry!
Breakfast: Hot Metabolism Cocktail Lunch:3-Day Fat Flush Smoothie with vegan protein Snack: Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail Dinner: 3-Day Fat Flush Smoothie with vegan protein Before bedtime: Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail Daily: Consume half your body weight in ounces of water (typically 10-12 8-ounce glasses)
By eliminating wheat, dairy, yeast, and salty, spicy or acidic seasonings you will actually trigger your body to release pounds of unnecessary fluid. Your plateau will be a thing of the past as your body purges accumulated fat and fluid from its tissues.
Think of it, the “new you” is only three days away!
And even better, once you transition to the regular Fat Flush Plan principles (get the plans) and exercise regimen, you will maintain your slimming results pre —and post— holiday.
8 ounces water
1 scoop Fat Flush Body Protein (vegan pea and rice protein)
1 serving fresh or frozen fruit*
1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
Ice cubes (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a blender until thoroughly incorporated.
*Fruit selection (1 serving size):
1 small apple (or 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce)
1 cup berries (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries)
6 large strawberries
10 cherries
1/2 grapefruit
1 small orange
1 nectarine
1 peach
1 pear
2 medium plums
For More Chlorophyll Cleansing Power:
Add a cup or two of kale, arugula, collards, romaine or spinach
Hey there, fellow —and future— fat flushers! My name is Nikole and I’m going to be taking you along on my fat flushing adventure! I hope that my journals help you to become as passionate as I am about this life changing plan. And for those wondering, it doesn’t just help you lose weight. Yes, that’s an amazing benefit! But your overall health is the important thing here! There is a Fat Flush Plan for everyone! Let me start by introducing myself.
I’m married to the love of my life, have 3 pretty princesses who keep me on my tippy-toes and 2 spoiled pups. I’m a daughter, sister, and friend. I volunteer at my daughters’ school and work as a hair stylist. I love making women feel beautiful! I love the outdoors, working hard and I hope to inspire others with my story. What you see is what you get! I’m an everyday person, running kids around, trying to keep a clean house and juggling a million things at once! So far on my journey, I have lost over 50 lbs and I am the healthiest I have ever been with the Fat Flush way of life. So yes, YOU CAN do it too! Being busy is an excuse I used for many years. As Thomas Jefferson said, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” Take that first step to becoming the new and improved you, and feel the best you have ever felt!
The most common questions I get are, “How did you do it?”, “What do you eat?”, “How do you do it being a wife and a mom?” and “What do you do when you go out of town or out to eat?” These are questions that I am going to be answering as I take you through my day to day life! So, let’s go! (And remember, anything I’ve underlined is a link; click it for more info!)
Day 14 ♥ Shakedown Journal
So I’m at the end of my 2 week shakin’ adventure and I feel fantastic! What I think is so amazing is that in 2 very short weeks you can change your body and your whole outlook on life. I feel like a totally different person then I did 2 weeks ago (as I’m sure that those shakin’ along with me are also seeing your own amazing results!). My tummy has shrunk, the bloating is gone, my skin is clearing up and glowing, and those pesky pounds that crept up on me are gone! Plus, those goal shorts I bought… I totally fit in them!
What I love about the Shakedown is they have made it so simple that you don’t feel overwhelmed. The Shakedown Guide has your back every step of the way! Then on top of that, they give you the tools to keep the weight off and keep you feeling amazing. You can’t ask for more then that! Or -if you did what I did and gained a couple unfriendly pounds- you know you can always go back and shake it for a couple weeks and be back to yourself in no time!
Now if you’re wondering, ‘What do I do next?’, it all depends on your personal goals. You can find out your next step here: http://smoothieshakedown.com/whats-next/. For me personally, I’m moving on to the “Fat Flush for Life” plan. I’ve reached, and even surpassed, my goals and now I want to stay at my “happy place”!
Also, keeping a journal and sharing has really helped me. I never realized the importance in keeping a journal until this opportunity. It keeps you accountable to yourself, keeps you motivated and you can track your progress daily and how your quality of life goes up each passing day! I highly encourage everyone to keep one. It makes a world of difference! I have really enjoyed sharing my thoughts and logs with all of you. I hope they have helped and encouraged you to be your best! I’m so excited to see everyone’s results! Whether you’re still shakin’, done shakin’ or haven’t started quite yet, come share your story with us on the Smoothie Shakedown Facebook page or the Fat Flush Facebook page!
“Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going.”
Now, I know you’re curious to see how I did. Here are my 2 week shakedown results: Down 11 lbs and 11.5 inches!
118 LBS Measurements:
Bust: 32
Tummy: 30
Waist: 26
L Arm: 10
R Arm: 10
L Thigh: 20.5
R Thigh: 20.5
Day 14 ♥ Food & Supplement Log
On arising:
Spiced Lemon Toddy (Hot Lemon Water w/ a pinch of cinnamon and ginger)