Janet lost 40 lbs

Janet lost 40 lbs

janet-afterMy friends have all noticed!

Janet lost 40 lbs – Smoothie Shakedown

janet-before“I tell everyone about the Smoothie Shakedown, and have about 8 friends and relatives on it with me as well. I was told I had developed Type 2 diabetes and if I lost weight it would help. Before starting the program, my A1C (blood glucose level) was 13, and it’s now been normal (6.2) for the last several tests!

While looking in a magazine that was promoting smoothies, they recommended UNI KEY’s because their taste test said it was the best. I ordered it and have been having at least 1 smoothie every day. I have lost about 40 lbs and still want to lose more to reach my goal of 120 lbs.

Right now I am 132-133 lbs. If I miss my smoothie my day just doesn’t seem to start right. My friends have all noticed my weight loss and want to know how I do it. I just tell them unikeyhealth.com. And, of course, buying a new wardrobe has been fun! I have gone down to size 6 pants. Thank you!”

Janet G., Houston, TX

Ingrid S. lost 88 lbs

Ingrid S. lost 88 lbs

The weight seemed to melt off!

Ingrid S. lost 88 lbs – Classic Fat Flush

My Fat Flush story has a long history. I was introduced to the Fat Flush Plan many years ago—I believe sometime in my early 30’s. I had gained a few pounds and couldn’t seem to lose it. A doctor recommended that I read the Fat Flush Plan, so I did. I followed the plan, I drank my hot lemon water in the morning, I drank my cranberry-flax drink, and I followed the recipes. I also took the recommended Fat Flush supplements, drank my Fat Flush smoothies in the morning, and I walked for exercise. The weight came off! Honestly, it was easy. At that time, I only needed to lose about 10 lbs.

As the years went by I had two children and became a stay at home mom. It seemed like the weight just slowly crept up. The next thing I knew I was 45 years old and weighed 230 lbs. I would look in the mirror and hardly recognize myself. At this point it had been at least 14 years since my original experience with the Fat Flush Plan. I tried other plans and felt starved and cranky. When I remembered the Fat Flush Plan, I pulled out my book and got to work again. This time I thought surely it would be much more difficult, but it wasn’t. I followed the plan, took the supplements, drank the shakes, and walked. The weight seemed to melt off. I would buy clothes and a few weeks later they would be too big. At this point the Fat Flush Plan is more of a way of life for me. I drink my shake pretty much every morning for breakfast—I even had one on my wedding day! I do it because I just feel better. I also like the fact that the healthy fats keep me feeling full.

I’d estimate that it took about a year and a half or so to lose the full 88 lbs. I really feel like this book and program have given me my life back. I remember struggling to get my socks on because of my big belly. Now, I can shop in any store I like—not just plus size shops. I never want to have to lose that much weight again. I also want to stay healthy so I can be there for my children and husband.

Hillary B. lost 31 lbs

Hillary B. lost 31 lbs

Hillary-afterI started seeing results in just a couple days!

Hillary B. lost 31 lbs – Classic Fat Flush

“I am a 39 year old mother and wife. I’ve tried, it seems, all “diets” in my life. I lost, then gained. Once I turned 35, the weight was just harder to come off. A good friend recently told me about The Fat Flush plan and I immediately started the next day.

Hillary - beforeI thought I was losing my mind as I started seeing results in just a couple of days! Well I dropped 11 pounds before two weeks were up. I started feeling better and thought that was it. No way! The weight literally started disappearing and now, 2 months later, I have dropped 31 pounds.

I feel like a different person. My skin, hair and nails are flawless! I turned 40 in February and I feel better than I did when I was 20. I don’t feel deprived or anything! I think that’s why it’s working so well for me.”

Heidi lost 21 lbs

Heidi lost 21 lbs

Heidi-afterOne of the best nutritional plans available!

Heidi lost 21 lbs – Classic Fat Flush

heidi-before“On September 9, 2011, at the age of 40 and weighing in at 131 lbs, I began Phase 1 (the Two-Week Fat Flush) of Ann Louise Gittleman’s classic “Fat Flush Plan”. At the end of one week I was wearing clothes I hadn’t worn for a year, and by the end of the second week I’d lost 12 pounds and was wearing clothes I hadn’t worn since my honeymoon, 8 years (and two babies) earlier. On December 10, 2011—three months after starting the Fat Flush Plan—I weighed in at 110, having lost 21 pounds and about 5 inches all over my body!

There were numerous peripheral, unexpected benefits, like the quality of my skin (clarity & brightness) noticeably improving, as well as the fact that I had much more energy, especially when exercising. I feel very strongly that Ann Louise’s plan is not just good for weight loss, but is also one of the best nutritional plans available.

Gabrielle lost 23 lbs

Gabrielle lost 23 lbs

gabrielle-afterNothing but a success for me!

Gabrielle lost 23 lbs – Smoothie Shakedown

“After having my son 6 years ago I have struggled to lose that last 30 lbs. Down the road of life over those 6 years, that 30 lbs went up and down—usually up! When I turned 29, I became lactose intolerant. I wanted to get on a “shake” style eating plan as I had been going to the gym but getting my diet under control was proving to be detrimental to my success.

The problem I found was everything in the stores had dairy and lactose in it as well as soy, which I discovered I had an allergy to when I tried a soy based powder that I bought at the grocery store. Then one day I stumbled across the Fat Flush Body Protein online. It was dairy free, soy free AND affordable! So after reading the testimonials, I thought “well, it’s worth a shot!” and I hit the order button.

gabriella-beforeI thank myself EVERYDAY for that moment. The Fat Flush Smoothie Shakedown has been nothing but a success for me. In the first 2 weeks I lost 15 lbs with no trouble at all. I LOVE the taste (Cherry and Cinnamon is my favorite combo) but most of all I love the way it makes me feel- inside and out! Not only did I lose the 15 in the first 2 weeks, but I also lost almost 2 pant sizes. I went from a 12/14 to an 8/10. YUP! Those are a size 8 in that after photo and I can breathe and I need a belt to take up the extra! The 6’s button but not quite ready to go out in public in them just yet. I just completed a second round and am down another 8 lbs. It would have been more, but my schedule didn’t allow for as much exercise this time around. I have noticed that it really does target that belly fat and those dreaded love handles (cringing)!

I feel GREAT and my son has learned to be healthier too. I am a regular person, working 40 hours a week, raising a son and having fun with life. If I can do Fat Flush Shakedown and be successful, so can you. What’s 2 weeks? It’s 2 more weeks being unhappy or 2 weeks feeling good about yourself and your lifestyle change! And you will be thanking yourself for it too! So go ahead, just say “YES” to yourself, for yourself, and hit order. You won’t regret it. I don’t—I crave it!”

Diana F. lost 10 lbs

Diana F. lost 10 lbs

diana-afterI depend on the Fat Flush protein!

Diana F. lost 10 lbs – Classic Fat Flush

“Mine is mostly a decision I made many years ago: Do I want to be inactive and sluggish like my mother’s side of the family? Or do I want to be exercising into my 80’s and a fairly healthy eater like my father’s side of the family? I had to make a choice.

I felt arthritic and heavy, but I had been a gymnast in high school and college. I knew that I wanted to curb my eating and feel better again. Raising 3 kids and running a hectic business had made me forget about my own health.

I would say that I am a binge eater…my bad binges are better than most Americans but they still make me feel very achy and my immune system lowers obviously after a period of perhaps a month’s binge eating!

I have a very sensitive system and it is necessary for me to eat right and take the right supplements. Within the past year, I have undergone the Hair Strand Analysis Test available through UNI KEY. This test resulted in me taking supplements sold through UNI KEY which helped balance my ratios of mineral and vitamins which were out of balance- including my adrenals. I feel tremendously better and I can tell that my immune system is stronger!

I found Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman through an iridologist here in Houston. I was already eating well- I had previously become a “holistic” eater when my son had ear problems and I didn’t want him to have surgery or be on antibiotics- but did have some energy concerns. My iridologist showed me the Fat Flush philosophy and it made a lot of sense. It would be fairly easy for me to follow the program because I already ate somewhat like Dr. Ann Louise recommended.

dianna-beforeI started with the Fat Flush supplements and the cran-water with stevia and the smoothie every morning. Now, about 15 years later, I depend on the Fat Flush protein smoothie every morning after my lemon water, then I have a hard boiled egg and fruit for a mid-morning snack. I try to limit my carbs throughout the day and I try to sweeten anything I can with stevia, if it needs a little sweetness!

I am now taking UNI KEY’s ratio balancing supplements based on the Hair Strand Analysis Test results. A wonderful by-product of wanting to be healthy and feel good is that I have lost about 10 pounds over the course of the last 5 years. I am very active, training for various sporting events throughout the year, so I need enough calories to support my training.”

Denise lost 35 lbs

Denise lost 35 lbs

denise-afterAfter years of feeling old, I feel fantastic!

Denise lost 35 lbs – Classic Fat Flush

denise-before“Desperate for a change in my life, I tried ‘The Fat Flush Plan.’ I lost 35 lbs in a few short months. I also noticed a huge difference in how I felt. After years of feeling old, I feel fantastic!”

Denise S., Hayden, ID

Debbie J. Lost 40 Lbs

Debbie J. Lost 40 Lbs

My energy levels have increased!

Debbie J. lost 40 lbs – Classic Fat Flush

My name is Debbie and I started Fat Flush because a friend asked me to do it with her. She bought me the book and I started to read it. I admit that it took me a few months to get on board. Over Christmas I went on a mission trip to Nicaragua. When I got back, I looked at the pictures and they were shocking. The next day I became sick with bronchitis. It was then that I decided I needed to be healthier and—even though I was sick—I started the Fat Flush Plan.

My original goal was to lose 50 pounds. When I had lost over 30 pounds in six weeks I changed my goal. To date, I have lost 40 pounds and I want to lose an additional 35-40. I’ve gone down two sizes and my overall health is much better. My energy level has increased and I no longer am on a daily migraine preventative.

In fact, I very rarely get migraines anymore! I’m currently on phase 2 and plan to remain there until I lose the rest of my weight. I will continue to eat healthy and work out, but allow myself the occasional cheat once I have reached my goal. I’ve lost weight before, but this time will be different because I will be healthier in the end and I will not let myself get over 5 pounds from my end goal.

My favorite part of the program is having access to the Fat Flush Nation where we can all share concerns or ask questions and have them answered! I started this journey with one friend in our group. That number has now grown to about 12! We are all experiencing success and continue to share those with other people. After all, we are all on this journey together! For anyone just beginning I would say to not hesitate to start. Sometimes it will be difficult, but you are worth it and it works!!! Believe in yourself and take the steps necessary to become all that you were made you to be…victorious, successful, happy and healthy!

By the way, I don’t usually tell my age, but I am 52. So, if you think you can’t do it because of your age…I’m living proof you can!


David F. lost 30 lbs

David F. lost 30 lbs

david-afterI love how easy the plan is!

David F. lost 30 lbs – Smoothie Shakedown

“I started the 2 week Smoothie Shakedown at 251.6 pounds. The first couple of days were the hardest…I was hungry and had headaches from the toxins leaving my body. By the third day, I felt much better. I figured out my eating schedule and was committed to making sure I fulfilled the daily water and Cran-Water intake.

david-beforeAfter the first week, I was no longer hungry or craving unhealthy foods and had lost 10 pounds. Over the second week, I noticed I was actually enjoying the smoothies and was surprised at how much energy I had. Although I did not get any exercising in, I followed the plan very closely by sticking to the approved list of foods and taking the Fat Flush Supplements. By the end of the two weeks, I lost 18.2 pounds and 4 inches from my waist.

Over the next month, I lost another 12 pounds by having one or two smoothies a day and continuing to take the supplements. I love how easy the plan is with my busy schedule, how filling the smoothies are, and how much energy they give me. I still have more to lose to get to the weight I should be at, but thanks to the Smoothie Shakedown, I’ve lost over 30 pounds so far.”

Cindy lost 7 lbs

Cindy lost 7 lbs

Cindy-afterIt just all feels great!

Cindy lost 7 lbs – Smoothie Shakedown

“The Fat Flush Plan is a great lifestyle as it educates you and is simple to follow. The results are amazing. You really don’t realize what you don’t know, until you know it! So, learn all about this FFP and do for your health. The plan works and any one can be successful on it. The science is all there to back up the plan. The results speak for themselves and that is a beautiful thing.

I lost 7.3 lbs and 10.5 inches in the first two weeks on the Smoothie Shakedown! I had a total body transformation after loosing the fat and gaining lean muscle. I feel nourished, satisfied, full, healthy, energized and I have the best looking skin of my life. I feel and look 10 years younger! I have more energy and my cognitive function seems more enhanced. I wear out my grandchildren and my grand dogs (I walk them 5 days a week.) It just all feels great. WooHoo!

And, I enjoy my husband’s comments and flirting. He says things like, ‘Here is my slim-licious lady’, ‘How’s my Fat Flushing wife today’, ‘Honey, don’t totally disappear on me’, ‘Babe, I’m proud of you. You are beautiful!’

Even my friends have noticed a difference! I’ve heard these comments recently:

cindy-before‘My goodness: You look like a teenager from behind. You look amazing!’

‘Here comes Roger’s trophy wife.’

‘That’s your Mom? I thought that was your sister.’

‘Honey, you’re how old?’ 53, I said. My friend replied, ‘Reverse that and never tell anyone how old you really are!’

I love it! These comments speak volumes to me.

Cindy Davis, California
Enthusiastic Fat Flusher

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