Horizontal Leg Lift

Horizontal Leg Lift

Lie on your left side, with your left elbow bent, cradling your head in your hand, and keeping your legs straight.

Brace yourself with your right hand, palm down on the floor or mat.

Raise your right leg as high as you can (this should take approximately 1 second) without moving any other part of your body, leaving your left leg firmly placed on the floor or mat. Pause for 2-3 seconds, lower your leg back down (this should take approximately 3 seconds).

Basic Smoothie Tips

Basic Smoothie Tips

Taste Test

Discovering the best-tasting smoothies takes some trial and error. Try experimenting with various fruit combinations and amounts of cran-water, using frozen fruit instead of fresh, blending the water and fruit first before adding the remaining ingredients, and varying the amount of ice cubes you use.

At Home

The quality of your blender definitely has an impact on the level of “yummy” your smoothie hits. The blades move faster in high quality blenders, suspending the protein for a smoother texture and more incorporated fruit flavor. One blender brand we get lots of rave reviews about is the Vitamix. These heavy duty, professional blenders are met with raving reviews. You can check out the various models here or visit their official website.

At Work

Do you make a smoothie in the morning to bring to work for lunch, but by the time the clock strikes 12 the consistency isn’t what you’d like? Portable blenders, like the Magic Bullet, are great for mixing up fresh smoothies on-the-spot, no matter where you are. The blender cup even doubles as a glass! You can purchase one here.


You can make the smoothie ahead of time and stick it in the freezer until just before you’re ready to enjoy it! Letting it sit out for a few minutes will have it thawed to just the right consistency.

Need more tips? Here’s How to Make the Perfect Smoothie.

Video: Grapefruit- the Weight Loss Miracle

Video: Grapefruit- the Weight Loss Miracle


Fat Flush creator Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS talks about one of the lost secrets to weight loss: the grapefruit. It has the natural ability to control your body’s insulin levels, keeping your blood sugar in check and hindering hunger. All this plus other nutrients such as vitamin C, limonoids and lycopene. The grapefruit is a little nutritional pot o’ gold!


Watch more of Dr. ALG’s videos here! >>



Top 3 Fat Flushing Herbs

Top 3 Fat Flushing Herbs

Herbs have been used for thousands of years, and for lots of different purposes. They naturally flavor your favorite dishes and have been known to help alleviate a multitude of health concerns. A bright flavor addition to salads, these leaves can also be used to freshen up the flavor of meats and dressings.

Here are our Top 3 Fat Flushing Herbs:

Top 3 Fat Flushing Herbs- Official Fat Flush TipDill

…is a natural diuretic
…contains a substance called carvone, which aids and calms digestion by relieving intestinal gas.
…seed (1 Tbsp) contains as much calcium as a cup of milk.
…a great source for fiber, iron, and magnesium.





CorianderTop 3 Fat Flushing Herbs- Official Fat Flush Tip

…is an effective blood-sugar stabilizer.
…is an herb and a spice.
…minty and sweet, the fresh leaves are often called cilantro or Chinese parsley.
…stalks are tender and carry the same punch of flavor as the leaves, so don’t throw them out!
…The British Journal of Nutrition published a study which found that when coriander was added to the diet of diabetic mice, it helped stimulate their secretion of insulin and lowered their bloody sugar.
…Researchers have also found that coriander may lower levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) while actually increasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels.




Top 3 Fat Flushing Herbs- Official Fat Flush TipParsley

…is the most widely used herb in the United States.
…contains more beta-carotene than carrots, more vitamin C than oranges, more calcium than a cup of milk, and twice as much iron as spinach.
…is also a good source for niacin, vitamin B, folate, phosphorous, zinc, copper, and fiber.
…contains apiole, an essential oil that helps stimulate the kidneys and fight water retention.

Note: Coriander and parsley leaves look quite similar! But pay close attention and you’ll notice coriander (cilantro) leaves are rounded, while parsley leaves are more pointed with serrated-looking edges.

3 Stretches to Ease Back Pain

3 Stretches to Ease Back Pain

Here are a few stretches that can lengthen and strengthen your lower back muscles, which will ease tension and aches.

Hip Stretcher: This will stretch your hip flexor muscles, which run from your lower back to the front of the thigh bone. Sit on the edge of a bed or table, and lie back. Grasp your knees, flattening your entire lower back against the surface. Grab your left knee with both hands and extend the right leg so it hangs freely off the side. Hold for 10 seconds then switch legs.

Side Stretcher: This will stretch lower back muscles that run from the top of your hip bone to the bottom rib. Lie on the floor on your right side, supporting yourself up on your forearm. Bend your left leg and move it up toward your stomach as far as you can. Plant your left foot on the floor. Slowly raise your upper body so that your right arm is straight, stopping when you feel a stretch along the right side of your waist. Switch and do the other side, repeating 2 times.

Glute Stretcher: Stretches your muscle under the glutes and hip joint. Stand facing a table, counter, or any other surface that’s about the same height as  your hips. Raise your right knee and lift your ankle so that the outside of your leg is resting on the table. Your leg should be in an L shape and be in line with your hip. Lean your upper body forward, arching your lower back, until you feel a slight stretch in your glutes. Switch to the other leg and do two sets each.

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